
The FOREL team

A few days before the big departure, the whole team is on board to finish preparing FOREL. Thanks to a competent, motivated and united team, FOREL will be able to set sail in good conditions. Well done and thank you to the whole team!


Presentation of the FOREL team

Sailing team

The key to achieving the objectives of the scientific missions: the right crew!

On board there are 6 professional sailors.
  • The captain is responsible for the expedition. He must ensure that everything is moving in the right direction and that his crew remains competent and united regardless of the conditions. He coordinates the different functions on the boat and is the one who makes the final decisions if necessary. The safety of people and equipment are its permanent concerns.
  • The mate assists the captain in his various tasks. His role is more technical.
  • The chief engineer maintains, repairs and carries out maintenance on the boat's machinery. It monitors consumption of diesel, water and electricity. He is a mechanic, plumber and electrician.
  • The team cook prepares meals, ensures supplies, and manages food stocks.
  • Two sailors. One of the sailors is also in charge of the scientific equipment. It is not uncommon to have double hats on board.
The six members of the sailing team must be able to carry out the maneuvers day and night. 

The plus: in order to carry out the scientific programs, some of the sailors are trained in the use of the scientific instruments on board.

FOREL is not just a sailboat, it is also and above all men and women, sailors, landowners, scientists, filmmakers and photographers embarked on the seas and in the ice.

Other team member

  • The scientific coordinator: He coordinates all research on board, from analysis protocols to sampling stations. The scientific coordinator is not permanently present on board. He embarks according to the scientific programs. He can take the role of scientific technician if necessary.
  • A mediaman can be brought on board to ensure that photos, sounds and videos are collected. As the Forel Heritage Association is keen to make all the scientific programs accessible to all, the mediaman post is essential. 
  • An educational manager to coordinate the educational mission. This vocation of sharing knowledge makes it possible to create links between scientists, the general public and young people, but also with indigenous peoples.

Fair winds and following seas !