
Greenfjord Project onboard

As part of the GreenFjord project, seven scientists have been on board FOREL for a week now to run a sampling and analysis campaign in SW Greenland.

Through this project, they seek to better understand the interactions between glaciers and the ocean in a system of fjords located in the Narsaq region.

The GreenFjord project is a multidisciplinary research project funded by the Swiss Polar Institute. It brings together researchers in natural sciences, engineering and human sciences from the universities of Lausanne and Zurich, as well as EPFL and ETHZ. GreenFjord aims to better understand the impacts of climate change on the ecosystems and population of SW Greenland.

The scientific team consists of : Christel Hasler (Scientific Coordinator – EPFL ENAC)
- Julia Schmale, Director of the Extreme Environments Research Laboratory (EPFL)
- ​​Mihnea Surdu (Julia Schmale’s student, EPFL)
- Samuel Jaccard, Climate Scientist and Associate Professor (UNIL),
- Jérôme Chappellaz, glaciologist and climatologist (EPFL),
- Virginie Marquez (Loic Pellissier’s student - Professor of Ecosystems and Landscape Evolution at the Institute of Terrestrial Ecosystems at ETH Zurich)
- Sébastien Lavanchy (engineer ETS/HES)

More about Greenfjord project
More about FOREL's scientific campaign : FOREL Greenland 2024

Photography : @julien.girardot.photography