
FOREL out of the shed

After several months on site at AML (Ateliers Mécanique Lorientais) in Lorient, France, the FOREL has left the construction shed. A strong and unifying moment for the team in these first days of spring.

Photo: deck and cockpit of FOREL with its cork covering @Seacork

The launch is coming soon...

The refit is not finished and it will continue outside over the coming weeks. We wish good spring weather to the whole team.

la mise à l'eau est pour bientôt
Photo: view of FOREL with its two self-supporting balestron masts in the foreground.

Thank you to the entire AML team (Ateliers Mécaniques Lorientais), external service providers, partners and sponsors for this phase of construction. Each day dedicated to the “refit” of FOREL brings it closer to its objective: becoming an oceanographic platform dedicated to polar and subpolar research.