
End of the mission in Greenland

The mission to Greenland comes to an end, but the scientific adventure continues… A successful mission for this first expedition aboard FOREL in the greenlandic fjords. The various scientists were able to carry out their research programmes and the boat proved its adaptability and efficiency.

The crew are now heading for Lorient in France with good ice conditions and a favorable wind. It’s only once the boat has docked at the port of Lorient @citedelavoile in around ten days’ time that the FOREL crew will be able to rest and fully appreciate the success of their mission.

What’s more, FOREL is still carrying a large number of samples. They will be transported from Lorient to the various international laboratories. The scientific adventure has only just begun, with its share of discoveries to come.

Fair Winds and Following Seas to the FOREL’s crew.

photo : @valentin_proult