
Behind the scenes onboard FOREL

This first project is the most important one, and the objective is considerable: to transform explorer Amyr Klink's sailing yacht Paratii 2 into a scientific vessel adapted to the extreme conditions of polar and sub-polar environments.

With just a few months to go before departure for Greenland, FOREL is continuing the work it began in the summer of 2023, with a dense list of tasks. 

Several stages follow one another: dismantling, emptying, cleaning, inspecting, drawing up new plans, repairing, re-engining the boat, incorporating laboratories (wet lab, dry lab, etc.), installing the electrical system, managing on-board energy, water, safety, sails, etc. The list goes on and on. The list is long. And at every level: structural, plumbing, mechanical, electrical... 

For this large-scale project, you need to be on all fronts. A site coordinator, a scientific coordinator and four sailors are mobilized in addition to members of the AML shipyard and other external contributors. The sailors working on the shipyard get to know FOREL down to the smallest detail, enabling them to understand the boat ashore before steering FOREL at sea. 

Some of the shipyard's tasks are delegated to expert external service providers, as these require real expertise. A whole team works on FOREL, with a wide variety of trades on board: sailors, welders, electricians, hydraulic engineers, carpenters, mechanics, etc.

Day by day, the work progresses and the departure for Greenland gets closer. A race against time that motivates the team.