
A new skin for FOREL

With an aluminum hull measuring 28.6 m long and 8.5 m wide, FOREL needs an anti-slip deck. The team opted for a more eco-friendly material than conventional deck coverings: cork...

This natural material provides FOREL with good thermal insulation, while avoiding the condensation problems associated with polar environments. Made from cork granules and resins, the cork panels supplied by our partner Seacork are 95% cork by volume and 60% by weight. Ecologically speaking, the raw material comes from the bark of cork oaks, which grows back after being harvested from the tree.

 "Cork is the only decking material with a positive impact on CO2. Cork oaks are debarked approximately every 10 years. According to the WWF, it then consumes 5 times more CO2 to renew its bark" Dominique Radier, Seacork representative.
Changing the surface of the FOREL deck required several steps. First, we removed all the old cover, then cleaned and prepared the aluminum surface. Then came the adjustment of the cork panels, followed by vacuum installation.

After 2 months of installation, FOREL had a brand new deck ready for polar mission.  FOREL's crew is very curious to see how effective it will be in the Arctic.